Index of /lpage-fluessiggas/vendor/contao/imagine-svg
Contao Imagine SVG library
This project implements the interfaces of [Imagine][1] and allows you to make
simple modifications to SVG images. It is used in [Contao][2] to handle
on-the-fly resizing of SVG images.
php composer.phar require contao/imagine-svg
use Contao\ImagineSvg\Imagine;
use Imagine\Image\Box;
use Imagine\Image\Point;
$imagine = new Imagine();
->crop(new Point(50, 50), new Box(100, 100))
->resize(new Box(40, 40))
$image = $imagine->open('/path/to/image.svg');
Because of the nature of SVG images, the `getSize()` method differs a little bit
from other implementations. You can check the return value like in this example:
use Contao\ImagineSvg\Imagine;
use Contao\ImagineSvg\SvgBox;
$imagine = new Imagine();
$size = $imagine->open('/path/to/image.svg')->getSize();
if (SvgBox::TYPE_NONE === $size->getType()) {
// The image has no defined size
} elseif (SvgBox::TYPE_ASPECT_RATIO === $size->getType()) {
// The image has a relative size, $size->getWidth() and $size->getHeight()
// should be treated as an aspect ratio
} else {
// The image has a defined size like a regular image
// $size->getType() would return SvgBox::TYPE_ABSOLUTE in this case