Index of /lpage-fluessiggas/vendor/knplabs/knp-time-bundle
# Friendly *ago* dates ("5 minutes ago")!
This bundle does one simple job: takes dates and gives you friendly "2 hours ago"-type messages. Woh!
Last edited {{ post.updatedAt|ago }}
<-- Last edited 1 week ago -->
Want to see it used in a screencast 🎥? Check out SymfonyCasts:
The date formatted can be translated into any language, and many are supported out of the box.
Use Composer to install the library:
composer require knplabs/knp-time-bundle
Woo! You did it! Assuming your project uses Symfony Flex, the
bundle should be configured and ready to go. If not, you
can enable `Knp\Bundle\TimeBundle\KnpTimeBundle` manually.
In Twig:
{{ someDateTimeVariable|ago }}
... or use the equivalent function:
{{ time_diff(someDateTimeVariable) }}
Note: the "ago" filter works fine for dates in the future, too.
### In controllers
You can also "ago" dates inside PHP by autowiring the `Knp\Bundle\TimeBundle\DateTimeFormatter` service:
use Knp\Bundle\TimeBundle\DateTimeFormatter;
// ...
public function yourAction(DateTimeFormatter $dateTimeFormatter)
$someDate = new \DateTime('2017-02-11'); //or $entity->publishedDate()
$now = new \DateTime();
$agoTime = $dateTimeFormatter->formatDiff($someDate, $now);
return $this->json([
'published_at' => $agoTime
## Controlling the Translation Locale
The bundle will automatically use the current locale when translating
the "ago" messages. However, you can override the locale:
{{ someDateTimeVariable|ago(locale='es') }}
If you want to run tests, please check that you have installed dev dependencies.
## Maintainers
Anyone can contribute to this repository (and it's warmly welcomed!). The following
people maintain and can merge into this library:
- [@akovalyov](
- [@weaverryan](
- [@NicolasNSSM](